Best Well-being Apps for Kids & Teens in 2024

Best Well-being Apps for Kids & Teens in 2024

"Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely on what you think." – Dale Carnegie, Author and Motivational Speaker.

In these words by Dale Carnegie, we find a profound truth that resonates deeply, especially when it comes to our children's wellness. You see, the state of our children's mental health isn't solely determined by external factors like their possessions or circumstances. Instead, it's significantly influenced by their internal world—by their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

As parents, we have the incredible opportunity to guide our children in shaping their thoughts and perceptions. And that's where well-being apps come in. But with so many well-being apps out there, how do we know which ones are the best for our kids? Well, that's where I come in. In this blog, I will take you through the top well-being apps for kids and teens in 2024. So, let's get started!

Importance of Well-being for Kids & Teens

It's much easier to focus on our children's physical health, making sure they eat their veggies and get enough exercise. But what about what's going on inside their heads?

Our kids face a ton of pressure these days. Whether it's a challenging math test, a fight with a friend, trolling online, or even something bigger like family issues, it can mess with their heads. They might feel anxious, sad, or overwhelmed. And if those feelings stick around for too long, they can affect everything else in their lives.

For example, when kids are stressed or anxious, it's hard for them to concentrate in school. Their minds are so busy worrying about other stuff that they can't focus on what the teacher says or what's written on the page. And when their grades start slipping, it can make them feel even worse about themselves.

Then there's the social side of things. If our kids are struggling with their mental health, they might withdraw from their friends or avoid social situations altogether. They may feel like they don't fit in or that nobody understands what they're going through. And that can be really lonely.

Here's a rundown of the challenges our kids and teens face regarding their mental health and well-being in today's digital age. 

Social Media Pressure: Our kids are growing up in an era where social media is a massive part of their lives. They're bombarded with images of supposed perfection, whether in appearance, lifestyle, or achievements. Constant comparison can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

Cyberbullying: Unfortunately, bullying doesn't stop at the school gates anymore. With the rise of social media and messaging apps, our kids can be targeted by bullies anytime, anywhere. According to a study by the Cyberbullying Research Center, around 37% of young people have experienced cyberbullying in their lifetime. Cyberbullying can be relentless and pervasive, causing significant emotional distress and even leading to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

Screen Addiction: Whether playing games, scrolling through social media, or watching videos, screens have become a central part of their daily lives. Too much screen time can interfere with sleep, physical activity, and face-to-face social interactions, all of which are important for overall well-being.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Our kids continually receive information and updates in today's hyper-connected world. If they're not constantly plugged in, they can feel like they're missing out on something. They want to have the latest gadgets; they want to have the very best of everything. FOMO can lead to anxiety and a sense of inadequacy 

Now, let's talk about how technology can actually be part of the solution to these challenges through well-being apps:

1. Mindfulness and Meditation: Well-being apps offer guided meditation and mindfulness exercises to help our kids manage stress, reduce anxiety, and improve their overall sense of well-being. These practices teach them to be present in the moment, cultivate self-awareness, and develop resilience in the face of challenges.

2. Emotional Regulation: Well-being apps provide tools and techniques for regulating emotions and coping with difficult feelings. They offer strategies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) exercises, mood tracking, and relaxation techniques to help our kids more effectively balance the ups and downs of life.

3. Community Support: Some apps connect users with trained listeners or licensed therapists for online counselling and support. This can be helpful for kids who may feel isolated or reluctant to seek help in person. Access to a supportive online community can provide validation, empathy, and encouragement during tough times.

By integrating these well-being apps into our kids' lives, we're empowering them with tools and resources to take charge of their mental health in today's digital age. We're teaching them proactive strategies for self-care and resilience and fostering a culture of open communication and support around mental well-being.

Understanding Well-being Apps

So, what are well-being apps? They're apps specifically designed to support mental health and overall well-being. They offer tools and activities to help kids feel happier, calmer, and more confident. Plus, many well-being apps are designed with kids in mind, so they're fun and engaging to use. They might have colorful animations, playful characters, or cool challenges to keep kids interested.

And the best part? Well-being apps are available anytime, anywhere. So whether your child needs a little help winding down before bed or managing a tough day at school, these apps are right there to lend a hand. Some standard features and functionalities you might come across are guided meditations, mindfulness activities, bedtime stories, yoga and movement, self-esteem boosters, stress management tools, interactive games and challenges and progress tracking.

These are just a few examples, but there's a whole world of well-being apps out there waiting to be explored. Well-being apps can have a really positive impact on our kids' emotional and psychological development. They give them the tools they need to thrive in today's busy world and build a strong foundation for a happy, healthy future.

Here's why they're so awesome:

  • Teaches Coping Skills: Well-being apps help our kids learn how to manage stress, anxiety, and big emotions. They give them tools and techniques to manage these feelings in healthy ways.
  • Builds Resilience: Our kids become more resilient by practicing mindfulness and relaxation exercises. They learn how to bounce back from tough situations and face challenges with confidence.
  • Boosts Self-Esteem: These apps often include activities that increase our kids' self-esteem and confidence. Feeling good about themselves makes them more likely to take on new challenges and believe in their abilities.
  • Promotes Emotional Regulation: Learning how to regulate their emotions is a crucial skill for kids. Well-being apps help them understand their feelings and learn how to respond to them positively.
  • Improves Focus and Concentration: Activities like meditation and yoga can help our kids improve their focus and concentration. They can do better in school and stay on task in other areas.
  • Encourages Positive Thinking: Many of these apps promote positive thinking and a growth mindset. They teach our kids to focus on the good things in life and see challenges as opportunities for growth.
  • Strengthens Parent-Child Bond: Using these apps together can be a great bonding experience for us and our kids. It gives us opportunities to connect, share, and learn together.

Top Wellbeing Apps for Kids & Teens in 2024

App 1: Headspace

Headspace is an app designed specifically for kids to help them feel happier, calmer, and more focused. The app isn't just about meditation—it's about promoting overall mind-body health. It teaches kids essential skills they can carry throughout their lives, like managing stress and building resilience. With colorful animations and friendly voices, Headspace makes mindfulness fun and engaging for children.

Headspace well-being app for kids and teens


  • Guided Meditations: Headspace offers a unique feature of guided meditations led by world-class experts in the field. These experts are well-versed in the art of relaxation, focus, and mindfulness, ensuring your kids learn these skills for their everyday lives.
  • Mindfulness Exercises: There are fun activities like breathing exercises and body scans to help kids become more aware of their thoughts and feelings.
  • Bedtime Stories: Kids can sometimes struggle with sleep and anxiety. That's why special programs and exercises are designed to help them with these challenges. Special bedtime stories are available to help children drift off to sleep peacefully. These stories are designed to help them relax and have sweet dreams.
  • Focus Exercises: Headspace offers activities to help kids improve their concentration and focus, which can be helpful for schoolwork and other activities.
  • Calming Techniques: The app teaches kids simple techniques for calming down when they're feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Headspace has a super easy-to-use interface. Even young kids can navigate it with ease. 

App 2: Calm 

Calm is a powerful tool for helping kids relax, focus, and improve their overall well-being. It's a game-changer in assisting children with emotional and stress management. The app offers a range of unique tools and activities, all designed to promote mindfulness and emotional wellness in children. With its serene sounds, tranquil visuals, and user-friendly exercises, calm simplifies the practice of self-care for kids.

Calm well-being app for kids and teens


  • Breathing Exercises: Calm provides simple breathing exercises that kids can use to calm their minds and bodies whenever they feel anxious or stressed.
  • Soothing Bedtime Stories: Calm features a delightful collection of bedtime stories narrated by beloved celebrities. These stories are magical lullabies that gently guide kids into a peaceful slumber.
  • Mindfulness Exercises: The app also offers mindfulness exercises specifically designed for kids. These activities help them learn how to stay calm, focused, and present in the moment. It's a great way to help them manage stress and anxiety.
  • Guided Meditations: Calm provides guided meditations for kids, just like for adults. These meditations are gentle and easy to follow, perfect for children who are new to meditation.
  • Nature Sounds: Calm offers a variety of nature sounds, such as rain, ocean waves, and bird songs, to help kids relax and unwind.
  • Guided Imagery: Children can listen to guided imagery sessions that take them on imaginary journeys to peaceful places, helping them feel more relaxed and centered.

App 3: Smiling Mind 

Smiling mind is a fantastic not-for-profit app for helping kids build mindfulness and resilience. It offers many guided meditations and mindfulness exercises tailored to different age groups, making it suitable for kids of all ages. The app is easy to use and has a friendly interface that makes mindfulness practice fun for children.

Smiling Mind well-being app for kids and teens


  • Guided Meditations: Smiling Mind provides guided meditations specifically designed for kids. These meditations help children learn to calm their minds, manage stress, and improve their focus.
  • Mindfulness Exercises: Many fun mindfulness exercises, such as mindful breathing, body scans, and sensory awareness activities, are available for kids to try.
  • Evidence-Based Courses: Smiling Mind offers evidence-based courses specifically designed to help kids manage anxiety, depression, ADHD, and stress. These courses are created by experts and backed by science, so you know you're getting quality support for your child.
  • Tailored Programs for Different Ages: I really love that Smiling Mind offers programs tailored to different age groups. Whether you have a preschooler, a tween, or a teenager, there's something here for everyone. It's great to see an app that recognizes the unique needs of children at different stages of development.
  • Stress Management Techniques: The app also teaches kids various stress management techniques they can use in their daily lives. From mindfulness to breathing exercises, these tools can help your child feel more calm and in control, even when things get tough.
  • Progress Tracking: Smiling mind allows kids to track their progress over time, helping them see how their mindfulness practice benefits them and motivates them to keep going.
  • Classroom Programs: Smiling Mind also offers programs for schools so teachers can incorporate mindfulness into the classroom to help students thrive academically and emotionally.

App 4: DreamyKid 

DreamyKid is a wonderful app designed to help kids with mindfulness and relaxation. It's been a valuable tool in assisting them to cope with stress and anxiety, especially during challenging times. If you're looking for a way to support your child's mental health, I highly recommend giving DreamyKid a try!

DreamyKid well-being app for kids and teens


  • Relaxation Activities: DreamyKid offers various relaxation activities, such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and visualizations, all aimed at helping kids feel more calm and relaxed.
  • Guided Meditation Sessions: DreamyKid offers guided meditation sessions specially tailored for kids. These sessions deal with various topics, from building confidence to positive thinking. It's like having a personal meditation coach for your child right on their device.
  • Sleep Stories: Sleep stories are soothing tales designed to help kids relax and sleep peacefully. They're perfect for those nights when your little one needs a little extra help winding down.
  • Positive Affirmations: The app also includes affirmations that kids can listen to or repeat to themselves. These positive statements can help boost their self-esteem and promote a positive mindset.
  • Issue-Based Meditations: If your child is dealing with specific challenges like anxiety or overeating, DreamyKid has issue-based meditations to help. These sessions offer support and guidance for kids struggling with these issues, helping them feel more calm and in control.

App 5: Super Stretch Yoga

Super Stretch Yoga is an interactive and fun app designed to introduce kids to the world of yoga and mindfulness. It's packed with colorful animations, playful characters, and easy-to-follow instructions to make yoga accessible and enjoyable for children. The app promotes physical activity, relaxation, and emotional well-being in kids through yoga and mindfulness practices.

Super Stretch Yoga well-being app for kids and teens


  • Superhero Character: Super Stretch Yoga uses superhero characters to guide children through yoga poses and breathing exercises. Kids love following along with the superhero, making yoga fun and engaging.
  • Yoga Poses and Breathing Exercises: The app is packed with various yoga poses and breathing exercises designed specifically for kids. These activities help children develop strength, flexibility, and focus while promoting relaxation and calm.
  • Promotes Self-Awareness: Through yoga and mindfulness practices, Super Stretch Yoga helps kids develop a greater sense of self-awareness. They learn to pay attention to how their bodies feel and how their breath affects their mood, which is a valuable skill for managing emotions and stress.
  • Mini-Games: The app incorporates fun mini-games to keep kids entertained while promoting movement, coordination, and balance.
  • Boosts Self-Esteem: As kids master new yoga poses and exercises, they gain confidence in their abilities. Super Stretch Yoga celebrates their progress and encourages them to believe in themselves, boosting their self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Encourages Self-Regulation: By teaching children how to regulate their breathing and emotions, Super Stretch Yoga helps them develop important self-regulation skills. These skills can help kids manage their behavior and navigate challenging situations more effectively.

Mobicip Parental Control App, an Enabler for Well-being Apps

Use Mobicip to monitor and manage well-being apps.

As a parent, I've found the Mobicip parental controls app helpful in guiding kids' online activities. Mobicip understands the importance of balancing screen time with well-being and believes in integrating well-being apps into kids' daily lives. Here are some features of Mobicip that enable it to support well-being apps.

Content filtering: Mobicip allows us to filter out harmful content, ensuring that our kids only have access to safe and appropriate apps, including well-being apps. This means we can confidently introduce them to meditation apps, yoga videos, or other well-being resources without worrying about them encountering inappropriate content.

Allowed Websites Mobicip

Content Filtering Parental Controls

App management: Mobicip empowers us to specifically allow access to well-being apps while blocking access to other apps that might not be as beneficial for our kids' mental and emotional health. This way, we can create a curated digital environment that promotes their well-being, giving us a sense of control over their digital experiences.

Time limits: Mobicip enables us to set time limits for our kids' use of their devices or specific apps, including well-being apps. This helps us ensure that they're not spending too much time on their screens and encourages them to engage in other activities that support their well-being. You can also pause all the devices of your family instatntly to get everyone's undivided attention.

Pause All devices for family time

Activity Reports: Mobicip provides insights into our kids' online activity, including their use of well-being apps. This allows us to see how they're engaging with these resources and have conversations with them about their mental and emotional health.

Activity Reports Parental Controls

Multi-device support: Mobicip works across multiple devices, so whether our kids are using smartphones, tablets, or computers, we can ensure that they have access to well-being apps wherever they go, promoting consistency in their mental and emotional health support.

With Mobicip, we can ensure our kids have a safe and positive online experience while nurturing their mental and emotional well-being. So why not give it a try? Take advantage of Mobicip's 7-day free trial today and see how it can make a difference in your family's digital life. Your child's safety and well-being are worth it.


1. What are well-being apps, and how do they benefit kids and teens?

Well-being apps are tools on phones or tablets designed to support kids' and teens' mental health. They offer meditation and mood tracking to manage stress and promote happiness. These apps teach coping skills, such as deep breathing, and provide support during difficult times. By using well-being apps, kids learn to handle big feelings and build resilience. They can access help anytime, anywhere, promoting a sense of empowerment and well-being in today's digital world. So, these apps are companions in their pockets, helping them feel better and stronger every day.

2. How can parents choose the best well-being app for their child?

We should consider a few things to choose the best well-being app for our child:

  1. Look for age-appropriate apps that are easy for our child to use.
  2. Check if the app offers features that match our child's needs, like mindfulness exercises or tools for managing stress. It's also important to read reviews from other parents to see if the app is safe and effective.
  3. Involve our children in the decision-making process and let them try out a few apps to see which one they like best.

3. Are well-being apps safe for children to use independently?

Well-being apps can be safe for children to use independently, but it depends on a few things. First, we should check if the app is designed specifically for kids and if it has safety features like parental controls. Next, we should make sure the content is appropriate for our child's age and maturity level. It's also a good idea to talk to our children about using the app responsibly and to supervise them with a parental control app like Mobicip, especially at first. 

Reshmita Das

Say hello to Reshmita Das, the chief editor of Mobicip Blogs and a dedicated advocate for children’s online safety. With over 8 years of experience, Reshmita brings a wealth of knowledge to her role as Mobicip’s Marketing and Communications Manager. She’s passionate about helping parents navigate the digital world to keep kids safe online. When she’s not crafting insightful content, you might find her having meaningful conversations about life and building new friendships over a cozy coffee chat.







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